My first Mac

I've got the first Mac in my life ~

After having a permission of my parents to buy a new laptop, I was entangled with two types: Lenovo Ideapad Legion Y540-15 and A2159 Macbook-Pro 2019. Finally I chose my dreaming mpb for the convenience of building coding environments and helping me quit the gaming addiction(maybe).

With the discount at the school starting time from Apple, I’ve got my treasure 13' Macbook-Pro 2019 wih 2 thunderbolt 3 ports/Ram:16GB/Memory:512GB with ¥13580 and a Beats headphone which was sold with ¥1400 in app XianYu. ¥12180≈$1715

Say Hello to MacOS

  1. Watch a video series of MacOS introduction and recommendation on BiliBili online: Mac云课堂 👍(Chinese) or macOS Setup Guide 👍👍(English)
  2. (Optional)Download VPN tools from Github:ShadowsocksX-NG
  3. Learn the common shortcuts
  4. Decorate the terminal:iterm2 and oh-my-zsh
  5. Learn how to use Homebrew and brew cask to manage applications
  6. Update system software packages(e.g. git, vim)
  7. Install Anaconda3 and Change the default Python version to python3
  8. search Zhihu for other recommendation about software, skills and peripheral devices

Software recommendation(In the order of installation)


  1. ShadowsocksX-NG
  2. brew cask install Google-Chrome

Efficiency & Cleaning

  1. brew cask install alfred
  2. brew cask install cheatsheet
  3. brew cask install keka
  4. brew cask install snipaste
  5. brew cask install mos
  6. brew cask install vanilla
  7. brew cask install istat-menus
  8. AppStore: CleanMyMac X (or brew cask install Tencent-lemon for free)
  9. AppStore: Paste (or Unclutter for free)
  10. AppStore: moon
  11. Karabiner


  1. xcode-select –install
  2. brew cask install anaconda
  3. brew cask install visual-studio-code
  4. brew install java
  5. brew cask install dash4
  6. brew cask install github
  7. chrome: Postman
  8. Transmit: same as WinSCP

Work & Study

  1. brew cask install wpsoffice
  2. brew cask install xmind-zen
  3. brew cask install megasync
  4. brew cask install teamviewer
  5. brew install hugo
  6. AppStore: Notability
  7. AppStore: PDF Expert
  8. AppStore: 欧陆词典pro
  9. AppStore: Microsoft


  1. brew cask install iina
  2. brew cask install neteasemusic
  3. brew cask install qq
  4. brew cask install yy
  5. brew cask install wechat


  1. brew cask install lastpass